What constitutes great brochure design, and what not? When is too many too much?
When you want to attract attention, the most probable thing that you will do is to put as many elements as you can in your brochure printing design. Let face it; we believe that more elements mean more attraction. If we want to get attention and have our brochures stand out, we usually dazzle and amaze with flashy graphics and brilliant colors.
As appearance is everything when it comes to brochure printing, we tend to associate great design with too many elements. But why do our brochures get dumped time and again? Everyday, we receive one-too-many printed materials. Brochures, catalogs, postcards, and pamphlets- you name it and we have it in our mail boxes. And all of these print materials compete for our undivided attention. Hence, your brochure impact must be so that its effect on your prospective clients should be direct and instant. One more second and youl lose the chance to get your target reader hooked. One more second and it the garbage bin for your brochures.
So what gets us that good first impression? It's not actually flashy and dazzling designs that make good designs; as always, simplicity can get you everywhere.
A good and well designed brochure generally has simple and direct content and images. In fact, the more elements there are, the more likely that the target readers will feel confused and annoyed because their attention gets to be divided among so many elements.
Why make it simple?
1 Many designers go overboard with their brochure printing design because they too believe in more is, well, more. Why go with what is used by many? Your aim is to be different anyway.
2 Many brochure printing materials go to the dumpster faster than you think. As Ie said, many designers make the mistake of bombarding their brochure printing layout with too many elements with the end goal of trying to make an impression. But guess what? Too many distracts your target readers attention from your main message. Remember to always use what is essential for your purpose. If you think that a picture or an image, or even a color, can effectively communicate your message, then go ahead and use them. But if not, then it is better to simplify.
3 Less is definitely more. The clearer and more organized you are with your elements, the better it would be for your prospective clients to get your message. Fewer elements would mean more attention to what is really important: your message. So try to trim down and cut those that are unnecessary. It doesn't help you any if your message gets lost from all your wonderful and stunning elements.
There are definitely no hard rules when it comes to brochure printing designs. What works for one may not work for you at all. Nevertheless, there is one particular thing that should be there when you present your brochures to your prospective clients. And that is good, quality service. No other element can beat the satisfaction your clients will get from your business when they know that what they are getting is excellent customer service.
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